I've started reading the Pioneer Woman's
website recently, specifically the cooking section. She's pretty cool and her lodge house is straight-up dope. She posted the other day about something she bought at
Anthropologie. I didn't even finish reading the post. I went straight over to the Anthro website and bought it. I couldn't help myself. I swear I never do this, and these days, I don't usually buy stuff unless it's on sale. However, I gave in since it was only $28 (plus tax and shipping). Let's call it a "Congratulations to me on getting into pastry school" present.
You're dying to know what I bought aren't you? Without out further ado, let me introduce you to the new girls...
(Oh, and by the way, it's nearly impossible to photograph anything in my kitchen.)
Hello. I am ceramic and adorable.
Oh, this messy kitchen has made me lose my head.
Please meet our tiny friend.Take a closer looks at what's inside these little lovelies.
Hello. Our bottoms are measuring cups.
Just a pinch.Now, you may be wondering why it is that I had to immediately rush over to the evil, evil Anthropologie website to spend $28 that I really ought to be saving rather than spending on matryoshka measuring cups. As well you should. However, let me enlighten you.
My collection, started by Grami.
My favorite. It's the story of Thumbelina, my favorite childhood story.
And then there were five.
I love The Pioneer Woman's cooking site, and those measuring cups are so adorable!!
We have a collection, too- but not one with measuring cups! Sweet!
I love your collection!
I haven't decided how practical they will be. But then again, if you're pretty you don't necessarily have to much else, right?
Well now. Those are too cute! No wonder you wanted them.
Oh dear, now I want....
see! totally contagious!
At first I was like "oh, stacking dolls, hmph. no big" BUT MEASURING CUPS TOO???? That is the coolet thing EVER and I have top go order those now.
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