Thursday, June 4, 2009

My little knitter.

Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm behind on a couple posts. Here's why.

To clarify, this is what he should look like.

I was supposed to be out of town this weekend. Elvis was going to stay with some friends of mine while I was gone. In return, I went to stay with them and watch their kid on Monday night. Elvis came along. He did beautifully. What a trooper that guy is! Unfortunately, at approximately 3:18 AM he woke me up. He was throwing up yarn. Traffic cone orange cotton yarn. That he had been playing with on Sunday. Can you say freak out? There was still some he was trying to barf up, but unfortunately he'd swallow it before I could catch it. I rushed him to the vet as soon as they opened. The plan was to give him fluids and laxatives and see if he could poop out the rest. No dice. So...Little Buddy had an emergency yarnectomy yesterday. The vet pulled 4 feet of yarn out of his small intestine. I picked up the 2 feet he barfed up. For those of you playing along at home, that's 6 feet of yarn.

He came home today around 2 PM. He's been going back and forth between sleeping hard and walking around the apartment. He's been locked in a cage for a few days now, you see. He's eaten a little and seems to be doing well. Somehow I think he's going to recover from this before I do.


Me in Memphis said...

Poor kitty!!! :( At least the "yarnectomy" word made me laugh. He's adorable though, yarn or not :)

peewee said...

awwww!! I am SO SORRY! There is just nothing more stressful than a sick pet! And vet bills. Hope it wasn't too much damage...emotionally and financially!

Debbie said...

Oh my word. Bless his heart. Glad he is OK.

Kathy B! said...

That is just about the worst thing I've heard in a looong time! Poor, poor kitty! Poor, poor you!!

Doesn't that whackadoodle cat know you just had surgery for cryin'out loud?!

I'm just glad to hear you both made it through relatively unscathed.

Kathy B! said...

And how can such a regular sized kitty ingest 6 FEET of yarn?! Talk about bloated...