Saturday, May 16, 2009


I started walking yesterday. I'm totally gimpy, but I'm walking. I am completely and totally over wrestling with my anti-embolism stocking everyday. Seriously. Over it. It's like trying to put on a wet swimsuit that's a size too small. Times ten. Oy. (Yes, I realize the alternative is way worse. So I'm wearing it.)


Linda said...

Yea! At least your moving about. Still in pain?

CailinMarie said...

good girl! you get extra dessert for wearing the damn stocking!!!! glad you are mobile again.

Meg said...

I agree, you definitely need an extra dessert to celebrate the occasion!

peewee said...

It's amazing that you had knee surgery and yet still manage to cook stuff! I stub my toe and I order take-out for a month!

peewee said...

ummmmm....did u die?

FoxyMoron said...

Hope your knee is feeling a bit better by now. My mum just had knee surgery so I know all about the stocking, well I know what she told me anyway.
Hugs to you Meg!